You have reached the photo and image website of Gen Kelsang Tilopa. Read this page and click on the Projects link below at any time to go to the galleries.
Just as words convey meaning, so do images. Just as visions, sounds, smells, tastes, and objects of touch create feelings or experiences, these photos and pictures create feelings and experiences in the observer's mind that she would not have otherwise.
Such feelings may be positive, negative, or indifferent, but all are valid with respect to the observer. The meaning of any image does not exist from the side of the image itself, but only in the mind of the observer.
I selected the images and categories that have some positive meaning for me in the hope that as you browse you too will find something positive and meaningful for yourself, and perhaps even some images may touch your heart. If this happens then the site has been a success. Some images were not photographed by me but are included because they convey important meaning. It is hoped the images will stimulate thought and contemplation that may encourage and inspire you and others.
Comments are welcome. You may email at the address on the contact page.
Please enjoy!